football for social good

Football Meets Free Trade: Redefining Global Supply Chains Through Sport

It was 2002, and Brazil had just clinched their record-breaking fifth World Cup title. In Zimbabwe, a nine-year-old boy named Webster sat glued to the TV, captivated by Ronaldo and the magic of the beautiful game. Little did he know, this moment would shape his destiny. As twilight fell and his mother called him to wash away the day’s dirt, Webster began to map out his life in four-year cycles, using future World Cups as guideposts. Secondary school by 2006, A-levels by 2010, and university by 2014—such was the impact of football on his dreams. With only his imagination and passion as tools, Webster’s journey into the world of football had begun.

Fast forward 22 years, and that young boy with big dreams has transformed into a researcher and advocate who has married his love for football with a commitment to social impact. Webster’s career spans groundbreaking research on football and international trade to meaningful work with marginalized communities. His story is a testament to the unifying power of football and its ability to inspire not just ambition, but real, tangible change in the world.

Bonito: Hi Webster, thanks for joining us. Tell us about how your passion for football began and how you were captivated to explore the ways the game could bring about positive changes for society? 

Webster: Thanks for having me! For me the setting is 2002, Brazil have just lifted a record fifth World Cup inspired by Ronaldo. A young 9 year old boy has just finished watching the first world cup of the 21st century without the slightest realization of how this historical experience would shape his destiny. Due to the vagaries of time zones between Asia and my modest landlocked country of Zimbabwe, I am called to bath by my mother at twilight to wash up having just witnessed the trophy presentation. As I do that, I envisage my life before me with the use of future World Cups as my guiding thread, only after my father had informed me it occurred every four years. By my final systemic tally, referenced by 4 year intervals (all World Cup years), my ambitions consist roughly of going to secondary school by 2006, being in A level by 2010 and to be in University by 2014; such was my love for Sport. Thus, I would begin my journey armed with nothing but my idealistic conceptualizations and my 4 year plans.

Twenty-two years on, I can definitely say that my shower daydreaming that cool late afternoon in July somewhat kick-started my mobility towards my involvement in football/sport as I have managed to marry my passion to reason.

Bonito: Why do you think football evokes such powerful sentiments with such a broad range of people all over the world? 

Webster: I believe football evokes powerful sentiments from people the world over as it has something that sets it apart from other sports, whether it be its status as the most played sport globally, the opportunities it creates beyond football (think jobs, inclusion etc), the adoration of players as role models which allow children to dream or the tribalism (rivalries) that characterizes it – the fusion and intersection of all of these makes football have such a powerful reach

Bonito: Tell us about your current research at the University of Malmö regarding football and trade?

Webster: Of course! I am researching on football and international trade to try to understand how football clubs use free trade agreements when sourcing their goods and services (including players) and whether they impress international trade sustainability standards within their supply chains.

Bonito: FIFA and the WTO recently started a partnership, what is the potential impact (positive or negative of such a partnership)?

Webster: This is a great question and this partnership is something I have also been trying to factor into my research as FIFA naturally carries influence. On the positives, this partnership is predicated at harmonizing trade and football by having manufacturing of football products such as shirts, kits etc happening in 4 or 5 African countries with supposedly the most sustainable cotton in the world. A number of positives can be read from this. Firstly, having these products manufactured, then exported from Africa would bring in more GDP for the African countries exporting the products which will be value added, compared to the age long and economically unsustainable practice whereby African countries export raw materials primarily. In general we need to find ways to allow all parts of the world to benefit from the massive economic opportunities that come with growing the football industry. 

Another potential benefit is the globalization of the football industry. For instance, manufacturing often takes place in different regions, which can support local cotton farmers and boost the local manufacturing sector. However, as with most globalized processes, there may be negative externalities, particularly concerning labor standards and the rights of workers in these manufacturing industries.

Bonito: Where do you see the football/sport for social good field heading in the next years? Where do you think academics in this field will focus their research on?

Webster: This is an interesting question. I genuinely think that this field will, if not already, develop in a trajectory that sees sport organizations (football clubs and private companies) as the main player or actors as they are the middle man between producers or  suppliers and society, hence have a major role to play. Furthermore, as politics becomes increasingly intertwined with sports, researchers will need to focus on an emerging angle: beyond the traditional narrative of  regimes using sports for propaganda, their involvement may also reflect elements of “sport for social good.” This trend highlights how gaining legitimacy through sports is likely to increasingly incorporate such dimensions in the future.

Bonito: Can you tell us about a moment in your football (or sport) for social good journey that touched your heart profoundly?

Webster: I worked on a project with the Saudi sport for All organization by consulting on how to attract and retain girls in sport. For me, this was a poignant experience as Nike agreed to partner with Saudi Sport for All organization by providing Nike themed hijabs as we perceived the lack or apparel as  one of the main barriers to female participation in sport. It was refreshing as this exercise resulted in so many girls participating in sport and some also being identified and supported to pursue their chosen sports further at a competitive level.

Bonito: Is there one colleague at your organization or who you have collaborated with who maybe doesn’t always get the spotlight that you would like to shine today and why?

Webster: This would be Franz Atare, who invented the game called Floormatics aimed at inclusion of the blind therefore allowing the blind and those with no visual impairment to compete on a level playing field. 



Name: Webster Chakawata

Organization (s): Malmö University

Role: Researcher

Favorite Football Club: The Arsenal FC

Dream sport for good organization that you would love to collaborate with on a project: Laureus



Jamie ElovssonJan 09, 2025

“Children of the Field”: How Football Inspires Resilience and Hope

In Argentina, as in so many corners of the world, football is more than a game—it is a lifeline. A newly released documentary by Stefano Di Pietro, “Children of the Field”, produced by Football Makes History, captures this truth with raw emotion and brevity. Set in the football-obsessed streets and fields of Argentina, the film reveals how the game becomes a beacon of hope and resilience for young people navigating life’s toughest challenges. Whether facing poverty, violence, displacement, or limited opportunities, football offers them not just an escape but a chance to rise, rebuild, and thrive.

At the heart of the documentary lies a profound message: football is a platform for learning, connection, and ambition. On the pitch, young people find joy in the simple act of play, a structure to lean on and the values that the game emits.

A striking example of this impact is seen through the work of the River Plate Foundation, whose presence in the film underscores the power of the local pitch. Time and again, a single football field appears on screen—more than just grass and lines, it is a symbol of possibility. Children gather to play, to grow, to dream. Adults find purpose in mentoring the next generation. Community leaders see the pitch as fertile ground for positive change. From this shared space, football grows like a tree—rooted in the community, resilient in adversity, and offering shade to all who come near.

In “Children of the Field”, the pitch becomes a microcosm of hope—a reminder that football, in its most beautiful form, is an ecosystem of growth and opportunity. It may begin with a ball and a field, but its reach extends far beyond, shaping lives, strengthening communities, and showing us all the enduring power of the beautiful game.

The Work of Football Makes History

“Children of the Field” is part of a larger mission by Football Makes History, an initiative supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Football Makes History brings together educators, historians, and football enthusiasts to explore how the sport intersects with history, society, and education. By highlighting the role football plays in overcoming barriers, the initiative showcases how the game can teach valuable life lessons, promote inclusion, and inspire positive action.

Through its innovative resources, projects, and collaborations, Football Makes History encourages schools, clubs, and communities to use football as an educational tool. Whether it’s learning about social inclusion, leadership, or cultural heritage, the platform demonstrates how football’s history holds lessons that are as relevant today as ever- “When the Pitch is Heritage”.

Football as a Tool for Resilience and Growth

In “Children of the Field”, we see how football provides a space for young people to develop resilience and rebuild their lives, no matter the circumstances they face. It gives them the tools to overcome barriers, build relationships, and imagine new possibilities. For educators, coaches, and community leaders, the film is a valuable resource to illustrate how sport fosters perseverance, teamwork, and personal growth.

This message was echoed at the recent Uniting Histories conference, organized by the FARE Network and supported by partners like the European Football Development Network (EFDN)—a proud partner of Bonito. The conference explored how football’s rich heritage can act as a bridge for social inclusion, creating dialogue and opportunities for individuals to rise above challenges. “Children of the Field” perfectly aligns with this effort, emphasizing football’s role in helping people navigate hardship and emerge stronger.

Powerful storytelling like this reminds us that the sport can be a vehicle for transformation—helping individuals and communities rise above poor conditions, forge meaningful connections, and foster resilience.

We hope you will enjoy this video as much as we did!

Jamie ElovssonDec 20, 2024

Football as a Universal Language: Tackling the Plight of the Migrant with I Speak Football

Across Europe’s shores, a harrowing reality unfolds daily as countless migrants undertake perilous journeys in search of safety and opportunity. Fleeing war, persecution, and economic despair, they risk everything. For many the arrival in a new country is only the beginning of another battle—facing hostility, bureaucratic hurdles, and a desperate fight for belonging. In this era of unprecedented displacement, the plight of migrants calls for urgent action, empathy, and inclusive solutions that honor the courage it takes to seek a better life.

In this world where borders often divide and cultures can feel worlds apart, football is uniting. Few initiatives capture this better than I Speak Football, a program that uses the universal appeal of the beautiful game to bridge gaps between migrants and their new communities. Born from the belief that football transcends language, nationality, and background, I Speak Football is a lifeline for migrants navigating the challenges of displacement, offering them not just a place to play but a platform to belong. They show that football truly is a universal language.

As we mark International Migrants Day, I Speak Football stands as a testament to football’s unique ability to create connections and foster inclusion. Through its grassroots approach, the program empowers young migrants to build friendships, develop skills, and integrate into society—all through the simple, yet profound act of playing the game. It’s more than football; it’s a movement of hope, acceptance, and community.

Djibril Ayofe, founded I Speak Football five years ago, inspired by his personal struggles learning English as a migrant from The Ivory Coast. Traditional classroom methods were tough for the Ivorian turned UK resident, but he discovered that communication on the football pitch came naturally. Combining language learning with the sport he loves, Djibril created a project that makes learning accessible, fun, and engaging for migrants facing similar challenges. Driven by his own journey, he is now determined to ensure others have a smoother path toward integration, language skills, and a sense of belonging. Djibril was nice enough to share both his story and his vision for the future of his project with the Bonito Platform.

Bonito: Djibril, thank you so much for joining us on this International Migrants Day to speak about your wonderful program. Can you share your personal journey and how did your passion for football inspire you to create the I Speak Football program?

Djibril: I moved to the UK 9 years ago from the Ivory Coast. Thats a big change in culture and language. I was 17 years old, loved playing football, but speaking English as a second language made it challenging to take part in football activities with the other kids. Together with some friends we set up I Speak Football™ to support other young migrants and refugees to improve their English through football sessions that incorporate English language classes.

Bontio: Often migrants who come to a new contry face so many difficulties including communicating in a new language- thats where football can step in- what is it about football that seems to make it such a universal language no matter where you come from?

Djibril: For me, the game is the centre of anything we do, it’s exciting and always changing. It’s different in each country yet the same. I think that makes it like language. I know that wherever I have been I can go to a place and understand it. I also know that when I want to play well, I need to be able to communicate, and communicate quickly. This forces me to learn things that can help me succeed. I love the feeling of being part of a team and having a common goal, I want everyone that joins I Speak Football to feel that in their hearts. That we belong.

Bonito: How important is it for newcomers to have a safe and productive environment to learn the local language of their new country?

Djibril: Its very important but not just about the language- As migrants, it can feel like we have left the harder times behind, but unfortunately for many of us it still is quite difficult in our new countries. We are happy for the opportunity to learn the language and contribute to our new communities but we still carry baggage- the scars left behind from our journey. Working with experts in trauma-informed approaches has taught me a lot about how to approach sensitive issues, and also when to approach them. It has to be led by the individual and at their own pace. Many of the people that play don’t want to talk about their trauma, and that’s OK, but some do want to discuss it. We aren’t social workers or psychologists but we make sure we listen so that I Speak Football is a positive experience. 

Bonito: Can you tell us about the I Speak Football program in more detail and how it addresses the many barriers that new arrivals to countries often face in their efforts to integrate?

Djibril: Although the core of the program is language, mental health and football, we have quickly seen that our beneficiaries also need support in study readiness and employability skills. That’s why we’ve adapted some methodologies to have employability sessions as well as language sessions, and have added CV and interview workshops either as online sessions or in person to help them thrive in the community. With “the ball as the hook” we can do so much for these young people and help them integrate in their new communities. 

Bonito: The journey that many immigrants face in moving to their new countries often presents a tremendous strain on mental health- how does football help to improve that and to build further resilience going forward?

Djibril: I don’t know about other migrants, but for me it was an escape, somewhere I could go to feel comfortable and confident. It didn’t cost me much money, and no-one bothered me on the football pitch. Especially at first, it was the only place I felt OK. As I stayed longer here, it also gave me a sense of identity, Djibril the football player, Djibril the captain, and now Djibril from I Speak Football. I hope it provides other people that safe space, and a set of peers to learn and rely on- just like it has for me. We all need a safe lace to be authentic and feel we belong.

Bonito: Reflecting on your journey in football, is there a particular moment or experience that profoundly touched you and reinforced your commitment to this work?

Djibril:  Getting the coaching from the Chelsea FC, and Fulham FC coaches was amazing! Just knowing those people got to work with other Africans and amazing footballers was really inspiring. Many people come to the UK to play football and to have that support and see that badge was amazing for me. Watching new migrants come, and be shy, then grow more confident is really amazing for me- especially as I used to be very shy! 

Bonito: Where do you see this project developing over the next years? what are the plans for the future and for expanding?

Djibril: We are really excited for 2025, with new partners including GOALs, Loughborough University and others. We have fundraising targets for sessions in Chingford, Wembley and Camden. As well as expanding to areas where we can use I Speak Football as a tool to bring communities together. We think the riots this year showed that communities have a lot of problems, and football should be used as a tool to bring them together. So we want to add areas outside London, and especially those places dealing with lots of migration. We also have applied for funding to develop I Speak Football in Europe and America, and even a pilot with a wonderful basketball coach to start I Speak Basketball in Easter 2025. We have big plans, but are still learning. 

Bonito: How important are partnerships to a program like yours? local communities, mental health experts, language teachers- it feels like you need to have a really wide ranging team?

Djibril: We think of I Speak Football being a trio of language, football, and refugee/trauma-informed approaches. For each of these corners of the triangle we work with experts, and local representatives. We know that what might work in one area might not be right for others, or for different types of migrants. So we start by mapping partners, and working with refugee organisations to understand what are the barriers for integration in their community. Where possible we always try to work with local councils, mosques, churches, schools, and families to make sure we’re delivering what is really needed. We have to do this with local expert partners, so we do all of this through a trio partnership model in each area. The only core expertise is our board of directors, our technical football, refugee, and ESOL experts, and our amazing Refugee Advisory Board who meet each month to give us feedback and help us improve our programme delivery.

Bonito: we really congratulate you Djibril for this exciting program and cant wait to see it expand in the future- thanks so much for joining us today!

Djibril: Thanks so much for the platform on such an important day!


Jamie ElovssonDec 18, 2024

Feyenoord and Manchester City Unite for Community Impact

Uniting for Community Impact: Feyenoord and Manchester City’s Partnership

Football’s power goes far beyond the pitch. It has the ability to create lasting change in communities, a fact exemplified by the exciting collaboration between the iconic and historic football brands of Feyenoord and Manchester City. Both clubs, known for their commitment to social responsibility, have united to expand their community impact through shared expertise and innovation.

Feyenoord, known for its extensive work with the Feyenoord Foundation, has consistently been a leader in community initiatives within the Netherlands. Similarly, Manchester City’s City in the Community Foundation has established itself as a benchmark for innovative community outreach in the UK and beyond.

By working together, Feyenoord and Manchester City aim to amplify their local and global initiatives, focusing on inclusion, education, and empowerment. Both organizations are members of the European Football Development Network (EFDN), and this initiative will align perfectly with the EFDN mission to empower individuals and organizations to use football for societal benefit.

The Collaboration: Learning and Growing Together

Feyenoord’s “Feyenoord Foundation Academy” and Manchester City’s renowned community initiatives such as “City in the Community” are already celebrated for their impactful work. Now, through this partnership, both clubs are exchanging knowledge and best practices to further strengthen their efforts.

Key areas of collaboration include:

  • Youth Empowerment: Programs that focus on personal development, education, and leadership among young people.
  • Social Inclusion: Initiatives aimed at breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for marginalized communities.
  • Health and Well-being: Using football as a tool to promote mental and physical health.

This cross-club learning represents a growing trend in football, where organizations come together to scale their impact and address shared challenges in society.

Football’s Role in Social Change

As football clubs embrace their responsibility as community leaders, partnerships like this set the stage for a broader movement within the sport. Collaboration helps clubs tackle complex social issues by leveraging diverse perspectives and resources.

This approach mirrors Bonito Foundation’s philosophy: that football has a unique ability to connect, educate, and empower.

Looking Ahead: Inspiration for the Football Community

The partnership between Feyenoord and Manchester City is a model for other clubs, NGOs, and stakeholders in the football ecosystem. By sharing knowledge and combining efforts, football organizations can make a deeper, more sustainable impact on their communities.

At Bonito Foundation, we believe in fostering these connections and creating platforms where football’s potential for good can be realized. Partnerships like these remind us that, while teams compete with each other on the grandest of stages, footballs real beauty and its power to change lives is something that  puts us all on the same team.

Jamie ElovssonDec 03, 2024

Putting purpose at the core of professional football- the inspiring story of Mike Geddes and the Oakland Roots & Soul project

In North America, the sports industry is a  machine fueled by profit, with four of the top five revenue-generating leagues and over 190 professional teams chasing the bottom line. Nowhere is this profit-driven reality more stark than in Oakland, California—a city which had been abandoned by its professional teams, all lured away by promises of greater financial gain. But in this city, despite the heartbreak endured, a defiant spark ignited. In Oakland, a new kind of team was born—not for profit, but for purpose. The Oakland Roots and Oakland Soul emerged with a mission to serve, inspire, and uplift their communities. In 2023, they shattered expectations and made history, raising $3 million USD from 5,000 supporters in the most successful community investment round in U.S. sports history.

Mike Geddes, co-founder and former Chief Purpose Officer of Oakland Roots and Oakland Soul, stands at the forefront of this revolution in purpose-driven sports. Now serving as Vice President of 17 Sport, Mike recently sat down with Bonito to reflect on the transformative journey of Oakland Roots & Soul—and to share his vision for a future where impact, not profit, becomes the true measure of success in the sports world.

Bonito: Mike, thanks so much for joining us! Tell us about how your passion for football began and how you were captivated to explore the ways the game could bring about positive changes for society? 

Mike Geddes: In 2005 I was in Northern Mozambique making a documentary for the BBC about how football was being used to heal the country after the civil war. We had got up to shoot the sunrise, and we noticed that dozens of kids had come out to sit in the dark with us. We thought they were there to look at the sunburned English people, but they were just waiting for the sun to come up. As soon as it did, they started playing football. And they didn’t stop again until it went down. Their community had few schools, no running water and a lack of most civic structures, but football was the thing that brought everyone together. That was the moment I decided that this was way bigger than just sport, and I had to quit my job as a reporter, and get involved in the game myself.

Bonito: That’s incredible Mike, Why do you think football particularly evokes such powerful sentiments with such a broad range of people all over the world?

Mike Geddes: Football connects us to our shared humanity. We have built a society which is designed to isolate us, extract from us and polarize us. Sport – and especially football – breaks down those barriers. It’s revolutionary. The most profound, cross-cultural connections I have had happened on a football pitch. It speaks to us on the most fundamental level, like music. But unlike music, football is the same wherever you go. If you were going to design a tool to connect as many people as possible across every boundary and barrier you can think of, you’d design something like football.

Bonito: You have had a wonderful career working previously for such organizations like Street Football World America, 17 Sport and the Third half. Football as a sport has obviously grown in America-would you say that the use of football as a tool for social impact has also had a correlated rise during the last 10-15 years?

Mike Geddes: Yes, and what’s interesting is seeing the growth of ‘purpose-driven’ pro teams. Pro sports in the USA are not like in other parts of the world. Teams come into existence because an owner wants to buy into a league so they can make money. Where that team plays doesn’t really matter, and if they can make more money by moving the team to another city, that will (and does) happen. Football – or soccer – has the chance to offer a different type of model, and it’s interesting (and inspiring) to see the growth of community-driven clubs like Vermont Green, Minnesota Aurora and Ballard FC in the US and Pacific FC in Canada. These clubs see purpose as a central part of their strategy to be both profitable and sustainable.

Bonito: How did the Oakland Roots project come about and what makes it so unique and successful as a project that bridges the gap between professional football and social impact?

Mike Geddes: Oakland Roots came about because myself and my co-founders thought there was room for a different model of pro sports – one which put the community first, and not the owner or the league. My co-founders are all from Oakland and they believed there would be demand for a pro soccer team in one of the most diverse cities in the United States. But they wanted to build it around a purpose – and they asked if I would be interested to help. Of course I was, because several years previously I had worked with a non-profit called Kick4Life FC in Lesotho. Kick4Life began as a soccer project using the game to teach adolescent health to underserved youth, but over time it turned into a professional club that used its profits to support the social mission. The fact that they had a ‘higher purpose’ than just winning games or making money made them a more successful club, and this was something of an inspiration to me and why I thought this could work in Oakland. Also, Oakland has lost all of its professional teams over the last 10 years – the Raiders (NFL), Warriors (NBA) and Athletics (MLB) have all been moved to other cities by their ownership groups. We thought that if we could give Oakland a team that cared about it, then they would care about the team. And it worked. The reason we have been successful is because we ‘walked the talk’ and stayed true to our promises, and we were able to do that because we found investors who believed in the idea that a club should have a purpose, and a Chief Purpose Officer, and that this would make us a more successful business.

Bonito: Incredible story- what a place to start it also in a city that has suffered so many heartbreaks due to the profit driven sports industry that is so prevalent everywhere but especially in North America. To move on to the broader football for good field- where do you see the football for social good field heading in the next years? Which thematic areas will be most important to deal with and what role do you think professional football clubs will have?

Mike Geddes: I think football is changing rapidly, driven by the hyper-commercialization of the top end of the game brought about by the shift to teams being private equity and sovereign wealth and multi-club ownership. The game is going to become something different, but i think that will create more space for community-focused models that are not just seeking maximal growth at all costs. I hope this means we’ll see a growth in more modest, more sustainable versions of the game. And I believe the most important thematic shift will, and has to be, towards sustainability. Football needs to take a more mature approach to understanding it’s climate impact and that it should embrace its power as a force for good, not continue to bury its head in the sand.

Bonito: Can you tell us about a moment in your football  for social good journey that has an extra special place in your heart?

Mike Geddes: There have been a lot. In 2021 I brought forward the idea that the club should open an equity crowdfunding campaign, which would mean that regular people (not just wealthy ones) could invest even small amounts to become part-owners of the club. It took two years, but we finally launched it in late 2023 with the goal of raising $2M, and just three weeks later we had raised over $3M from over 5,000 new investors, making it the most successful community investment round in US sports history. What touched me deeply about the campaign was the reason people gave for investing – which was the fact that we had put the community first. It was such a great feeling seeing the impact we had had on so many people.

Bonito: It really gives a whole new meaning to the badge of a team when its aim is to serve the community in which its home to. Is there one colleague at your organization or who you have collaborated with who maybe doesn’t always get the spotlight that you would like to shine today and why?

Mike Geddes: My co-founder and our Chief Marketing Officer Edreece Arghandiwal. He’s always positive, always creating and always kind and he embodies our motto – #OaklandFirstAlways

Bonito: Thanks so much for this Mike- this story is one that is close to all of us who believe in the true meaning of football. Also  looking forward to hear about your future endeavors now that you have returned to 17 sport!

Mike Geddes: Thanks and looking forward to follow the Bonito path as well- good luck!

About Mike

Organization (s): Formerly the Co-founder and Chief Purpose Officer at Oakland Roots & Soul Sports Club and currently Vice President at 17 Sport

Favorite Football  for good organization apart from your own: Kick4Life FC

Favorite Football Club: Leeds United / Oakland Roots & Soul SC

Dream sport for good organization that you would love to collaborate with on a project: Football for Future

Jamie ElovssonNov 17, 2024


Hey! We’re Jamie and Per, your hosts here at Bonito

We’re always looking for ways to make football more beautiful. Feel free to reach out to us at any time.


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